Empowered Sleep Formula
Improve your sleep, reduce anxiety/ stress and increase your energy! ESF is the holistic, proven step by step system for better sleep & creating a more fulfilling life.
Lesson 1: Welcome to My House
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A Deeper Diver Into The Modules
Lesson 1 - Introduction
Lesson 2 - Create Your Sleep Environment
Lesson 3 - Circadian Rhythms - What's Your Chronotype
Lesson 4 - Good Food, Bad Food - Our Sleep Depends On It
Lesson 1: The Gift of Creating a New Habit
Lesson 2: The Powerful 28 Day Peaceful Sleep. Awakened Mind Journal
Lesson 3: Release Before Sleep
Lesson 4: Introducing Your Nine to Thrive
Lesson 1: Tapping into Your Potential Using Affirmations & Visualizations
Lesson 2: What’s Happening Right Now? Selecting Your Visualization for Tonight
Lesson 1: Mind-full or mindful? Discover Mindfulness & the Science Behind It
Lesson 2: Sleep and Mindfulness – A Match Made in Heaven
Lesson 3: Mindful Eating & Mindfulness in Everyday Activities
Lesson 4: Basic Mindfulness Meditation (Sitting)
Lesson 5: Body Scan Meditation
Rise Up & Let Go of Limiting Beliefs
Lesson 2: The Art Of Surrendering